In a world where most bridges have been crossed, most roads have been traversed and many mountains have been conquered, there are still new challenges out there for adventure travelers. Chamsher Kangri, was one such peak in Ladakh that was a challenge for my mountaineer friends Jayesh and Sridhar Iyer. They attempted to summit this peak twice but due to unavoidable circumstances had to return back. This year finally on August 9, 2007 they attempted the peak for the third time and were successful in summiting it.
‘Chamsher Kangri’ Peak, one of the three highest peaks in Ladakh stands tall at 21,500 ft (6620 mts).
Infact, they have also got a t-shirt made for themselves that says Chamsher Kangi Peak 21,500 ft---been there done that. I am equally elated and proud of my friends like they are.
Ladakh is a mountaineer’s delight with numerous mountain ranges all across the region.
Chamsher Kangri lies about 240 kilometres from Leh in the Rupshu Valley around the Tso Moriri Lake. It is near the Tibetan border in Ladakh.
To know more about Jayesh and Sridhar’s experience you would have to wait like I am doing. I do not know how long that would be.
(The above pictures are of Jayesh and Sridhar at the summit-Chamsher Kangri Peak, Jayesh and Sridhar along with their guide and lastly Sridhar showing off at the summit with his GPS reading 6503 mts)
Wow.. rejuvenating.. you bring mother nature to the common man.
a request : Photo-s with descriptive notes alongside will be appreciated.
The panvel waterfalls group snap was amazing. I spent almost 10 minutes just counting the blades of lush green grass. Such greenery.. thanks to monsoons.. It was transcendental meditation with one's eyes open.
Keep writing with more pix.
Shankar R Aiyar
L&T Infotech Powai
Hi AS,
I had heard about this particular fort that is in the middle of the sea (off the MH coast) with in-built facilities for potable water. Even today, it seems people inhabit that fort.
1. Which fort is that?
2. Has it beeen covered by Odati? will it feature in the Odati itinerary?
Happy trekking..
shankar.aiyar at gmail
Well you are talking of the Janjeera Fort that is near Murud. Common people understand the place as (Murud-Janjeera)
Odati Adventures has not had Murud in its itinerary as we do not do forts that are Known and common to people. Murud Janjeera is a tourist spot for most Mumbaikars to spend weekends and Odati Adventures believes in offering real outdoor adventure experience and we are not tour operators.
To understand what we do please visit www.odati.com and click on the archival site at teh bottom of the home page.
1. Thanks for the info.
2. Point taken apropos why Odati doesn't "do" Murud-Janjira !!:-D
Did I sniff some sarcasm in that?
While I was reading your response, came to mind - the piece you wrote on the Ekkkta Kapoor (in the Rediff blogs) came to mind, where u described a particular character appearing on screen dressed like a Christmas Tree..
Christmas tree !!! I had a guffaw of a lifetime.. Laughter is the best medicine !! Thank you !!
Hey sorry..
forgot to sign my comments..
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