This trek took place on Feb 13-14. But sorry could not post earlier as I was caught up terribly at work…But it’s never too late
IT was an eventful night journey in a Qualis, stopping by at the middle of the night at a roadside dabbha for dinner and chai. After a sumptuous dinner we headed straight for the base village Ambewadi. We reached Ambewadi at 3.30 am. Like always we decided to catch few hours of sleep in the courtyard of one of the villager’s home. Our group comprised of Jayesh, Laldev, Myself, Sridhar, Vardhan, Anupama, Shalini, Dr Pritam (who later was known by the name surgeongad), Ashu da (Ashish Deewane), Naveen,
Ashok Hegde, Ashutosh and Yogita.
Morning as we wake up I find the location of the base village is directly amidst the mountains. You wake up to the typical Sahyadri vista-High, rocky cliffs and yellow dried grasses of the winter.
After having tea and biscuits we started our trek around 8.30 am. Our target was to reach the top of Alangad by mid afternoon that day and stay for a while and then proceed to Madangad. The initial route to Alangad is a normal trail through deciduous vegetation and dry grass.
After around 3 hours of walking, we reached a 15 feet rock patch. We find some climbers climbing this small patch. So we wait. The rock patch was small but nevertheless we had to rope up to climb this patch. Soon after this short climb there is a flight of steep stairs which leads us to the main rock patch which is around 50 ft.
We wait for about half hour to climb this small patch. The time is already 1.30 pm. Once all of us our done, we climb up the flight of stairs and get to the next rock patch –the main one. We see the same set of four climbers roping up. Considering the fact that they would take a while to climb up we decide to take a break in the adjoining caves and have our lunch as it is already 2.30 pm. This cave could easily accommodate 7-8 people. The cave became our pit stop while we waited for the climbers ahead of us to finish. We spent our time laughing, joking, just looking around in the valley and clicking pictures.
It was a long wait almost 2 hours. Soon after they finished Laldev is given the task to set up the system. He climbs like a spider before we realize he is already at the top setting up the system for the others to follow. He is amazingly flexible and fearless!! Jayesh is the next to climb and was all set to give belay to the rest of us who were to Jumar and go up this tough rock patch. Jumaring wasn’t easy as well. We had to brace ourselves against the rock face and pull our body up. It was difficult as it was a long stretch and hands gave up at many places but we all still managed to go up. While on one rope we were Jumaring, we had another rope running parallel to pull up our ruck sacks.
We reach the top and there is a wide ledge at the top of this patch where the anchors are set up and adjoining the ledge is a cave. We rested here for a while as it took considerable time till the last person of the group reached the top.
The journey hadn’t ended yet. We still had to climb up some steep steps before we finally reached the plateau where the caves were situated. These were deep cut stairs and had an exposure on one side, which makes the climb a little scary; especially if you are carrying a back pack. It had got dark but, we managed well to go up without a rope. The sheer exposure gives you a thrill and you get the opportunity to negotiate tricky patches on very few treks.
Alang top is a huge plateau with caves in the middle. The remnants of the fort are on a small hillock on the top of the caves. The fort walls are intact and the view from top is mind blowing…
As we reach the caves we find this huge atleast (5000sq ft) cave which we occupy. The earlier group ahead of us occupied the same cave. We got terribly late to reach the caves and therefore missed the sunset.
The walk and the climb at the end of it all were brilliant. Despite the fact that we had several first timers with us in the group who had never rock climbed or knew what jumaring was they all climbed very well. That’s also because Odati Adventures team is well known to adhere to safety measures. There was no room for error. Priority was obviously safety rather than speed.
Everybody reached the caves by 8 pm. The cave was hot owing to the lack of wind. Laldev and I started preparing for dinner. We made some soup, Khichdi and khadi and ended the meal with some tasty sonpapdi.
By now everyone was ready to crash out. The tiredness was setting in. Since the cave was hot, I didn’t have to use my sleeping bag. I used it as my bedding instead. Most of the group did the same.
Day 2: I woke up really early. Nobody was up then & I took the advantage of darkness to finish the morning routine. It’s become a habit for me now in the outdoors I either wake up really early in the morning while it’s still dark or in the middle of the night to answer nature’s call. (Believe me, getting up early in the mountain has its own benifits. You don’t get the toilet area already used up. So u don’t have to go far to find yourself a suitable bush or a boulder to hide behind.. hahah .:).
Since I had woken up early I thought I would catch the sunrise but unfortunately decided against it. I just spent some time sitting alone & idling away on the plateau, looking around and breathing in the cold air. On the West, one could see Ghatghar backwater and Ratangad fort. On the East- Avandha and Patta forts are visible and so is Kalsubai peak.
Soon I realize Vardhan, Ashu da, Deepak, Ashutosh are up. Laldev and myself got down to preparing breakfast and tea, the others helped with the pack up.
When Jayesh and gang came back after almost two hours of spending time in the fort above the caves, I realized what I missed. I heard from the gang that the place was a photographer’s delight. Mountains always look wonderful in the rising and the setting sun and the light conditions are ideal for clicking pictures.
We started the descent at 10 am but lost quite a lot of time climbing down the stairs.
As per the earlier plan we had Madan fort on the itinerary as well but we took a call against on the previous day itself as we had got very delayed.
So we decided to head straight back to the base village. The climb down was difficult as always. Climb down involved scrambling through a lot of loose rock and stones. It was quite tricky and our minds had to be on the alert mode all the while.
At the end of the long trek back, I must say it was very satisfying. The exhaustion was indeed detoxifying. As we reached the road point near Ambewadi, Jayesh who had reached much before us was waiting for us to be picked up.
All in all, an excellent trek. Its tough in terms of stamina. Even though it’s better to be technically trained, the climb is made possible for the novices by the technical people in the group. The mountains are majestic..I have been around Sahyadri before but I liked this trek a lot. The shape of the mountain on this side are just vertical and in your face.
This trek is recommended for all those who want a thrill in life.